Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Mail List

This is a blog addition written by 'mom' to communicate information to those of you who are writing or sending packages to Michael and wondering, "Does it ever get there?" The answer is "no" in the eyes of a monarch butterfly whose lifespan is only 2 months long, but there is hope for us humans who tend to survive a bit longer than monarch butterflies, so please keep the communication headed to Madagascar...he loves hearing from everyone! He also has some great expectations for this week...the forestry expert he reports to is coming from Tana and, hopefully, delivering all the mail and packages that have been collected for him in the past 4 months...including items that originally went to Niger and have since been delivered to Madagascar. In other words, he gets to celebrate his birthday a month early with, hopefully, lots of great communication and letters!! I will update this after I talk to him midweek, but, to date here are the 4 pieces of mail that HAVE arrived as of this past week.
Ms. N's class from PA--sent Jan 15
The K family---sent Jan 19 (loved the hand written notes from each of the boys!)
Mom & Dad--sent Jan 23
Bro--sent Jan 30
He says that he has sent several letters this direction as well, but none of them have arrived yet. There is another batch going out in the next week or so that are being transported to the US and then sent...those will likely arrive the fastest!
Meanwhile, stay posted to the blog for the weekly updates!

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