Monday, November 2, 2009

A Delightful Fall Day

Mom, the current blog administrator (aka CBA), Dad & sister Lauren had a delightful day! The cell phone rang at 12 noon with a strange number on caller ID. I took a deep breath, answered the call and heard the much awaited words: "Hi mom, it's me". The wandering Westendorp checked in with the family! Thanks to a fellow PCT, he borrowed her cell phone long enough to give me her number so I could call him back on Skype (at my expense, of course!) We were honored to then connect with him on Skype and talk for about 40 minutes. I will give a quick synopsis of the conversation.
-he loves it there!
-it is very hot....temps have reached 122 degrees to his knowledge
-time goes very slowly...he says it seems as though he has been there for 3 months instead of 1 1/2 weeks
-he is enjoying the company of the other PCT's. He said they are quite a compatible bunch
-he is reading a lot
-he lives with a family of 6--2 parents and 4 children between the ages of 3 and 12. The children love the PCT's and cling to them....he's adjusting to that!
-he has a new name Habibou....pronounced Ha-Be-Boo
-he eats a LOT of rice. He is adapting to eating rice with his hand and adjusting to the fact that his hand is not always that clean when he uses it to eat.
-he has encountered the bush taxis but is a little hesitant to ride in them. He says they load them up with 20 or more people, put the chickens and the goats on the top and the cows in the trunk. Definitely a transportation adjustment!
-there are letters en route to me that will, in usual Michael flare, describe his trip there and his first few days. I will post them as soon as they arrive and you will get a better picture through his eyes.
He hopes to get a cell phone at some point that will allow him to communicate with us more regularly. Until then we will wait for the next scheduled communication in 2 weeks.
But for now, we will enjoy THIS day!!

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