Friday, November 27, 2009

Moving On

Authored by the CBA--mom
Today was Thanksgiving in the United States, but Thanksgiving was also being celebrated by the PC Trainees in Niger. We spoke with Michael and he talked of the feast he was enjoying with the group....mashed potatoes, chicken, and more "yummy food". He said the girls had been cooking all day and it tasted GREAT! He and the group were also enjoying one of their last days in a country he has grown to love in just a few weeks' time. With much regret, he and his group are being relocated next week. He really wants to stay, but there are only more threats in areas where he was supposed to go, so the Peace Corps is abandoning their intentions to expand in Niger (although current volunteers will remain). On to a new frontier! His new home will be in Madagascar! He is not sure what his assignment will be or exactly what he will be doing, but flexibility is the key! He is very thankful that they get to remain in Africa, although the climate and the living conditions will be much different.....seasons, a house, electricity....he will likely be able to do his own blog posts!!!!
There are still many details to be worked out; I will update as I am able. Please hold off sending letters and packages for now---his address will be changing! He assured me that anything enroute will be delivered to him in Madagascar--eventually!
Thanks for all your continued love and support....

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